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Aldera was the capital city of the planet Alderaan. It was built on an island in the middle of a lake, in the vicinity of snow-capped mountains, one of which was the Appenza Peak. A scenic city, it featured a collection of gleaming, rounded, white structures that included the Royal Palace. Crevasse City, the first and largest of Alderaan's canyon cities, depended on Aldera's own spaceport facilities. The capital was lost along with the rest of Alderaan in 0 BBY, when Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin had the planet destroyed by the Death Star.

Cities Aldera11

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Aldera Spaceport

The Aldera spaceport was the central public spaceflight facility located in Aldera, the capital city of Alderaan. Princess Leia Organa traveled through the spaceport to get to the Tantive IV in order for her to carry out a humanitarian mission to the Mid Rim planet Wobani to deliver food rations to refugees on the planet. It was considered to be one of the best starports in the Core Worlds.

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Royal Palace of Alderaan

The Royal Palace of Alderaan, also known as the Mountain Palace, was the ancestral home of the Royal Family of the planet Alderaan. Located in the capital city of Aldera, it overlooked a lake and was environed by snow-capped mountains.

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University of Aldera

The University of Alderaan was a renowned university in Aldera, the capital city of the Core World Alderaan. It was one of many medical, academic, and research institutions that attracted experts and students from across the galaxy.

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Crevasse City

Crevasse City was a city on the Core World Alderaan that was the first and largest of the canyon cities. It was built into the walls of a massive canyon, which allowed it to conceal everything from dwellings to heavy industry underground. Due to its unusual structure and scenic landscape, it became a popular tourist destination, and thus, had its own hotels and resorts. The city had no spaceport, and as such had to rely on Aldera's facilities. Crevasse City, along with all of Alderaan, was destroyed by the Galactic Empire's Death Star, a mobile battle station that was capable of destroying entire planets.

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Sanctuary Coast

Sanctuary Coast was a sprawling city located on the planet Alderaan that was built on enormous stilts on the border of a large inland sea. Throughout the city's history, its leaders were committed to offering assistance to refugees fleeing wars and oppression.
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Sanctuary Coast Starport

Sanctuary Coast Starport was a chaotic and busy spaceport located in Sanctuary Coast on the Core Worlds planet of Alderaan. During the blockade of Ibaar, Viceroy Bail Organa ordered that the Wayfarer-class medium transports Cargo Comet and Cargo Sky, be loaded with food, equipment, old military-grade sensors, and other supplies to Ibaar. Organa's adoptive daughter, Princess Leia Organa, covertly oversaw the loading of the supplies in the spaceport, where all of the supplies were kept in a nearby warehouse next to the landing bay of the vessels. During the loading of the shipments, six Imperial Security Bureau and Imperial Office of Customs agents arrived to inspect the cargo, demanding all licenses and permits, as well as the manifests and identifications. Eventually, the Imperials could not uncover the plot. Sanctuary Coast Starport, along with the rest of the planet, was destroyed by the Galactic Empire's Death Star, a planet-killing battle station.

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Unidentified City

A city was located on the planet Alderaan. The city, along with the rest of the planet, was destroyed by the Galactic Empire in 0 BBY.

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